Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday 9-30-15

We will continue with our study of the Congress today.

We will start by watching this Crash Course Video on the Bicameral Congress

And then we will continue with Mr. Smith

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday 9-28-15

Today we will be discussing Duties, Rights and Responsibilities.

Link to Slideshow

There is an assignment linked to the slideshow.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday 9-24-15

Review with Study Guide

Test today on the Constitution and foundations of American Government.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday 9-21-15

We will be continuing our study of the Bill of Rights as well as all of the amendments to the Constitution.

Link to Bill of Rights Slideshow

Pear Deck Current Event Activity
Link to Chain Reaction Article

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Thursday 9-17-15

Today is Constitution Day!!!  And to honor that, we will begin our study of the Bill of Rights.

Assignments for today are as follows:
You are to work independently!

    1. Get a textbook and read pp. 121-132
    2. Answer the following questions:
      1. p. 124  2-5, 6
      2. p. 125  1,2,4
      3. p. 131  2-5
      4. p. 132 1-2
    3. Begin activity on “Drawing the Bill of Rights”
      1. Your are to get a sheet of paper in the back of the room and divide it into 10 boxes using the front and back. You can draw lines to divide the boxes if you want.
      2. Then I want you to draw and label a picture that represents each of the first 10 amendments. Be creative and imaginative.
      3. Don't rush through it. Make it look good.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday, September 4, 2015

9-4-15 Friday!

EQ - What have I learned the first two weeks?

Today we will be taking our first quiz.  It will cover types of government, citizenship, sources of our rights, and duties and responsibilities.

We will have a quick review before the quiz.

Link to Quiz

Thursday, September 3, 2015


EQ:  How would you describe the rights that we have in America?

Discuss Handouts in groups

What is an American Mannequin Activity

Rights of Citizens

First quiz tomorrow

Unit 1 Study Guide

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Crash Course Government and Politics #1

EQ - What is an American?

Feminism Reading Activity

What is an American? Reading with a Partner, J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur Handout