Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Thursday 9-17-15

Today is Constitution Day!!!  And to honor that, we will begin our study of the Bill of Rights.

Assignments for today are as follows:
You are to work independently!

    1. Get a textbook and read pp. 121-132
    2. Answer the following questions:
      1. p. 124  2-5, 6
      2. p. 125  1,2,4
      3. p. 131  2-5
      4. p. 132 1-2
    3. Begin activity on “Drawing the Bill of Rights”
      1. Your are to get a sheet of paper in the back of the room and divide it into 10 boxes using the front and back. You can draw lines to divide the boxes if you want.
      2. Then I want you to draw and label a picture that represents each of the first 10 amendments. Be creative and imaginative.
      3. Don't rush through it. Make it look good.

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